aTRIMpost : ML-based post-TAVI risk scoring

This app calculates the aTRIMpost , a random forest based risk score for 30 day survival post TAVI.
The undnerlying random forest model was trained on 22,283 TAVI interventions in the German Aortic Valve Registry of the years 2011-2016.
On test data (5864 interventions from 2017) classification performance reached an AUC of 0.74; 95%-CI [0.70; 0.78].
For details see Leha et al., 2023, European Heart Journal - Digital Health, doi:10.1093/ehjdh/ztad021 .
The break down plot is based on synthetic data generated using doi:10.18637/jss.v074.i11 to resemble the properties of the test data.

Case Specification

Basic Information




Risk Score

red range: ≥ 1 % events after TAVIs with score in this range in the test data
orange range: only < 1 % events after TAVIs with score in this range in the test data
green range: only < 0.5 % events after TAVIs with score in this range in the test data

An app by Andreas Leha, Medical Biometry and Statistical Bioinformatics, University Medical Center Göttingen